Due to the Butte Fire, we have postponed the West Coast Crosley Club Meet date - Sutter Creek and Jackson are as yet unharmed, but much of the region is under evacuation and our meet site is currently a staging area for firefighters and other emergency crews. We have postponed the meet to OCT 24-25, 2015.
Big news! 2015 is the 30th Anniversary of the West Coast Crosley Club, and to mark the occasion we're hosting a special TWO DAY MEET, October 24 and 25 in Sutter Creek, California. SAVE THE DATES - you don't want to miss this!
This special Anniversary Meet will feature a Crosley car show, an all-Crosley swap meet, return of the Fabulous Funkana, Service Motors and their really-big trailer full of Crosley parts and stuff, and the Crosley Cruise - a micro-car driving tour, with all makes of micro cars invited to join us as we make a tour of the historic California Gold Country.
Friday, October 23, 2015
The meet weekend kicks off with an informal afternoon pot luck at the Meet Hotel (Holiday Inn Express in Jackson) starting around 3PM. No scheduled activities, but a great time for bench racing and bull sessions with other Crosley nuts.
Saturday, October 24, 2015
The 2015 West Coast Crosley Club Meet officially kicks off at 9AM at the Italian Benevolent Society Fairgrounds in Sutter Creek (581 CA-49, Sutter Creek, CA 95685 - right near the corner of Ridge Road and CA-49).
9 AM: Crosley Cars and Parts Swap Meet opens
10 AM: Crosley Car Show starts
Noon: Lunch
1:00 PM: Club Raffle
2:00 PM: Funkana (a test of your Crosley-maneuvering skills)
3:30 PM: Car show closes; no official activities until 6PM
6:00 PM: Crosley Club BBQ
Sunday, October 25, 2015
9 AM: Club breakfast
10:00 AM: Crosley Cruise leaves after breakfast from Thomi's Restaurant in Jackson. We will make a leisurely drive through the Gold Country, covering approximately 60 miles, total. All makes of micro car are invited to join us!
Noon: Lunch
2:30 PM: Crosley Cruise arrives back in Jackson. Meet ends!
For more information contact Rick Alexander, (619) 787-1908, or email tracplanning@gmail.com